post_results_records will upload a data frame with the correct specification for the fields uploaded. You can use this function to add columns manually if preferred, especially if a non-standard column type.

create_results_columns(auth, table_id, columns)



Highbond authentication credentials, created from setup_highbond


The ID number of the table


A data frame with columns to be added


If creating or updating, a data frame with the new details. When deleting, JSON response indicating success or failure.


When creating columns, the argument will accept a data frame. This data frame must only have three columns - field_name, display_name, and data_type. See API for allowable data_type.

When deleting columns, the argument will accept a data frame. This data frame must only have one column - field_name


if (FALSE) { auth <- setup_highbond(Sys.getenv('highbond_openapi'), Sys.getenv('highbond_org'), Sys.getenv('highbond_datacenter')) field_name <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g") display_name <- c("field_one", "field_two", "field_three", "field_four", "field_five", "field_six", "field_seven") data_type <- c("character", "numeric", 'logical', 'date', 'datetime', 'file', 'digital_signature') columns <- data.frame(field_name, display_name, data_type) table_id <- 12345 response <- create_results_columns(auth, table_id, columns) }